Monday, April 30, 2007

Proof you CAN have matching Trekking Socks

OK so I know I have been remiss in posting...I haven't been knitting as much either. The weather is finally nice and with a looming date to put my house on the market, home improvement projects have taken precedence.

Here is what I did in March:

I bought this yarn for ME and after casting on twice realized somehow they were meant for Katie....I might take the leftover and make some anklets for myself. I gave these to her for her birthday....

These are my Trekking socks.....I had never knit with it before and those of you who have knit with self striping yarn....There is not a single repeat in the first sock! I was stressin a little wondering how I would make a true mate....after finishing the first sock I cut off about 3 feet of yarn and VOILA!

With my amazement of no repeats I guess you can tell it was my first pair. LOL Apparantly it's "known" that there aren't any repeats. Well I don't know how much closer I could have gotten. The very tip toes are slightly off and that's it.

I am now starting a new pair of Trekking in a blue/green colorway for Mike. It's not striping like this is....more of a gradual color change. He wanted longer socks so the legs are 11 inches long. The 2nd sock is stalling me because its getting a little boring at this point. LOL


Aisha said...

Very nice socks!

Cindy said...

They look even better in person!