Saturday, December 16, 2006

6 Weird Things About Me

Well it seems as though Cindy wants to know some weird things about me.....having been weird my whole life I thought I was finally in the closet so to speak....I've only ever wanted to be "cool". LOL

1. Ever since I was a small child my fathers' nickname FOR me was "weird beard". He didn't mean it in any negative sense at all. The two words rhyme, I was the first , he is very much a grown kid. The name wasn't until I was in elementary school that I came to think "weird" might not be a good thing. When kids said "You are so weird" I thanked them. Made them really confused I might add.

2. I am a very organized, meticulous work, in an office. At home I feel very much lost, confused and generally a lazy slob. I have no idea what that's all about and since I don't work in an office anymore....I don't feel very organized. Why is it that at work I am almost OCD about my space but at home...not so much?

3. To that end, my room at any given time might have clothes here and there but when I go to bed, my bed covers have to be PERFECT. The top sheet has to be facing the right way. The blanket has to be perfectly centered even though 5 minutes later I hog the whole thing and the comforter has to be on correctly, centered and smoothed. My husband could just fall into the bed and not fool with any of that and he not care. I also have to have the room pitch black with the bathroom door SHUT. If open I can sit up in bed and see the toilet and that just grosses me out.

4. I don't like to drive UNDER an overpass, railroad etc....I have a fear that it will come crashing down on me (hey it's happened hasn't it?) and anyone who has driven downtown St Louis KNOWS it IS inevitable. I hold my breath and speed.....LOL

5. I have to come to realize I get overstimulated and all hell breaks loose. I never understood what this was but 1 husband, 3 kids and 2 puppies later I go "AHA!" I can't have all this incessant noise...especially if I am trying to concentrate ...writing, casting one etc. Last night I was trying to think and DH (darling hubby) kept telling me and making me listening to his ringtones......ahhhh let me THINK! LOL I love em though....y'all know that....

6. I won't walk on know the kind on sidewalks....that lead to somewhere else. I mean I think that it's only metal....someday they are going to rust through, break under the weight or SOMETHING. Nothing even brought about this "fear". I never SAW anyone fall through but I know it's gonna happen someday.

So I don't know how many of these are "weird" or just stupid or you know me better now? Maybe! LOL Sometimes I have a tendency to say to much....LOL.....I don't know who to tag next because honestly I am pretty new to this blogging thing and all the bloggers I know have already been tagged! So if you are reading this and think you would like to take on this "Chain Challenge", then leave a comment and your blog address and I will link you from this post!

I am hopefully finishing the pink scarf today and I did start on the lovely BEAUTIFUL Manos scarf in the Harlots simple One Row Scarf pattern....I am trying to see how much I will have left to use for ME as this scarf is for me mum...oh I mean my mother..... I can't wait to get my hands on those bottom 2 skeins of Wool in the Woods....I think I am going to knit the My So Called Scarf with that.

Happy Knitting!


Cindy said...

Thanks for sharing, & for being a good sport about being tagged. ;-) Miriam didn't tag anyone in hers either ( ) so I'm sure that's perfectly OK! It's just fun to read what everyone has to say, especially when you see something & go, "Hey, I do that too! Why didn't I put that on my list?" (Like me & Miriam's entry & primarily drinking water rather than anything else.)

Jennie said...

I won't walk on grates either! And there are people who really give me grief for it. I've also never seen anyone fall through...maybe they just move enough to cause you to think bad thoughts when you step onto them.

I am also a new blogger from St. Louis. Nice to meet you Mary Beth!